Campus Parking
To park on campus, all students, faculty, and staff must display a Penn State Fayette parking permit. All students and employees are expected to abide by the campus and University parking policies. Students should be aware that their student account may be charged and/or a hold placed on their account for unpaid tickets. Any student with this hold will not be able to register for classes or receive an official transcript.
Students are to park in designated Student Parking Areas located in front of the campus and behind the Community Center.
If you have any questions regarding parking, special needs, or assistance, please contact Police/Security Services by calling 724-430-4120 during our hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registering Your Vehicle
Parking permits are free of charge and are obtained by submitting a Parking Permit Request Form. All vehicles brought on campus must be properly registered with the campus. The parking permit must always be posted in full view. The IT Services should be notified of changes in vehicle type or registration. You must re-register your vehicle and receive a new parking permit when your current permit expires. One permit will be issued, but you are able to register two vehicles.
Students need to register their vehicles within one week after the start of classes.
Lost permits must be discussed with Police/Security located in room 121 Williams Building. A second permit will be issued at a cost of $5.00.
Permit Display
Permits must be properly displayed as noted below. Exceptions must be approved by the Security Office in advance.
- Automobiles—Permit should be hung from the interior rearview mirror, facing forward. If no rear view mirror, contact the Police/Security Department.
- Vistor Tags—Mount tags on the upper center of the windshield, on the driver's side of the rear view mirror mounting post, below the tint strip.
- Failure to display the permit appropriately will result in a $50.00 fine.
Parking Areas
- All parts of the vehicle MUST be inside the designated parking space, which is generally indicated by two white lines. NOTE: Some spaces also include a back line. Parking in grassed areas is not permitted unless at the direction of special event parking staff.
- Parking in grassed areas is not permitted unless at the direction of special event parking staff.
- Motorcycles must be parked in designated faculty/staff/student motorcycle spaces.
- Any vehicle not parked in a designated legal space is subject to ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s expense.
- Any vehicle parked along curbs or on sidewalks, hindering/damaging University operations or property, or obstructing a roadway, a designated handicap space or the access aisle adjacent to it, or a reserved space is subject to ticketing and/or towing at the owner’s expense.
- Parking is not permitted in Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) spaces without a state-issued handicap parking placard and a Penn State parking permit for the designated lot. The access aisle adjacent to the space is considered part of the space and will be enforced accordingly.
- Reserved spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This includes holidays and times when the University is not in full operation.
- Vehicles with current faculty/staff permits may park in a loading zone or legal parking space for a maximum of 15 minutes for the purpose of loading/unloading supplies or equipment. Flashers must be operating.
- This privilege does not extend to sidewalks, traffic or fire lanes, building entrances, handicap spaces, or handicap access ways (access to sidewalks, ramps, etc.).
Disables Vehicles
- If a vehicle is disabled, the permit holder must notify Police/Security (724-430-4120) immediately, providing his/her name and the vehicle’s license plate number and location.
- A grace period of up to 12 hours may be allowed. No extensions will be granted.
- Notes left on a vehicle stating that the vehicle is mechanically disabled are given no consideration by enforcement personnel. Vehicles not properly reported to University Police may be towed at the owner’s expense.
Temporary Parking Permits
A temporary parking permit must be obtained by anyone visiting the campus, or by anyone who forgets or loses their regular permit (Student, Faculty/Staff). A temporary parking or visitor permit can be obtained from: The Police/Seurity officer, if a parking permit is required and none is displayed, the vehicle will be ticketed, booted, and/or towed at the owner’s expense.
Parking Citations
All parking citations need to be paid immediatley at the Office of Finance and Business Services, room 106 Williams Building. If a student accumulates three or more parking citations, thier vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense and will be banned from campus until such fines are paid in full.