Penn State Fayette celebrates scholarship recipients at 10th annual event

David D'Antonio

David D'Antonio

Credit: Penn State Fayette

LEMONT FURNACE, Pa. — Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus hosted the 10th annual Scholarship Donor Dinner to honor student recipients of sponsored scholarships and awards on November 16.

Lori Omatick, director of development at Penn State Fayette, welcomed an audience of sponsors, members of the campus advisory and alumni boards, and students and their families for a celebratory dinner and short program.

Sophomore accounting student David D’Antonio shared his experience as a recipient of the Lesako Carmichaels Area Community Service Learning Scholarship.

“College has taught me so much about myself and has made me grow as a person,” he said. D’Antonio serves as a senator in the Student Government Association and the associate director of academic affairs for the the Commonwealth College Student Government. “Without this scholarship, so many opportunities may not have been possible.”

Over 200 students received scholarships and awards for academics, service, and more from more than 50 sponsors.

Jeff Erdely, a campus alumnus and benefactor of the Erdely Family Trustee Scholarship, spoke on behalf of the donors. Rick Van Buren, the student aid and veterans coordinator at Fayette, presented certificates to the student recipients. Charles Patrick, campus chancellor and chief academic officer, delivered closing remarks.

“The generous support of this community, reflected here this evening, is, for many students, the margin for accessibility to Penn State University,” said Patrick. “For that, we extend our heartfelt thanks.”
